
We offer access to classes on a subscription basis after an initial introductory period.

Class sizes are capped and are grouped by experience so you can be confident that you are being observed and given the support you need.  Your teacher will continuously move about the room, observing how you are moving and offering verbal or ‘hands on’ adjustments to support you and get the best out of the movements during the class.

You will need to bring your own mat to class.  We also highly recommend bringing a small hand towel that can be used enhance your comfort if needed.  All other equipment will be provided. Please wear clothing that allows you to move freely, avoid hoods if possible, and bring water to drink.

Monday18:302 - IntermediateSPACES
19:351/2 - Beginner/ImproverLimited Availability -
Contact directly for information.
Wednesday9:302 - IntermediateSPACES
10:401/2 - Beginner/ImproverFULL
18:302/3 - Intermediate/AdvancingSPACES
Thursday9:302/3 - Intermediate/AdvancingFULL
10:401/2 - Beginner/ImproverLimited Availability -
Contact directly for information.

If you have previous experience of Pilates, undertake any training regime e.g. weekly park run, etc, don’t have any diagnosed ongoing muscular, joint or health conditions you may be able to start in a more progressed session.  Take a look at the descriptions of the groups below and if they sound like you then contact us directly to chat about what could suit you best.

Level 1/2 – Beginner/Improver

Level 1/2 sessions are recommended for those new to Pilates and those who are recovering from injury, have a diagnosed spine condition or are seeking to improve ongoing back, hip and knee conditions. This level of class will introduce you to the fundamentals of Pilates at a deliberate pace so, we can spend a little longer moving between positions, finding good alignment and start the process of redeveloping ‘core’ strength, improve mobility, flexibility and good posture.

Level 2 – Intermediate

Level 2 sessions are for those with growing experience of Pilates and aware of how to manage their conditions within class. The pace of the class is generally quicker. It is considered that the fundamentals are understood and the exercises are progressed by increasing the strength, stability or balance challenge.
Level 2 classes may also be a good starting for those starting Pilates for the first time with no injuries, diagnosed musculoskeletal or health conditions are generally active with a good sense of body awareness.

Level 2/3 – Intermediate/Advancing

Level 3 sessions are for those with growing experience of Pilates and increased ability to be demonstrate skill under challenge. The pace of the class is generally quicker. It is considered that the fundamentals are understood and the exercises are progressed by increasing the strength, stability or balance challenge.
Level 2/3 could also be suitable for those who are already participating in a regular training regime with no serious injuries or conditions.

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